Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where are they now?

As I get older, I find myself more interested in what happened to people after their 15 minutes than what actually made them famous at the time. When I was seven or eight years old, I watched The John Davidson Show, which came on in the afternoon right before cartoons and reruns of bad comedies. I also watched That's Incredible, which he hosted. I then forgot about the guy and assumed he'd retired or something. Thirty years later, he's still out there making out a living. I just saw that in March he played a "pop music show" at a local education center. Tickets were $25 at the door. For some reason, this is fascinating to me.


  1. A reminisce (sp?) from your ever lovin' Mother...I remember my girlfriends, Laurel LaFon and Betsy Darling, and I adored him in the movie, "The Happiest Millionaire," probably out in 1966 or so--we were maybe fourteen/fifteen. We went to see it several times at the Wilma Theatre, in Cd'A. We thought he was really cute--and he was!....
