Sunday, August 7, 2011

Further Galena

I got up early this morning and walked around the grounds a bit more to see where the flood had hit. I ran into a friend of the owners clearing debris who told me it had rained 18 inches in 10 hours and where we were standing had been under seven feet of water. There but by the grace of God, I guess. I am told two people in Jo Daviess County died in their cars. Any damage that I saw did nothing to detract from the beauty of the area.

I do recommend coming here to Inn at Irish Hollow if you get a chance. The food and accomodations have been very nice. I have spent my time reading, sleeping and wandering Galena with Amy. We saw a magician Friday night. I seem to have become a born again magic show junkie. Was like something out of a Woody Allen movie.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new look--and what GREAT photos from your adventure out. Looks like a very cool place, by the way...
    Stay cool, you two!
