Sunday, February 13, 2011

next assignment

I am deeply frustrated with my photography class. The class and instructor and fellow students are great. I'm just unable to find any time to do these assignments. There are kids in my class doing genius stuff, using wine glasses as lenses, bringing out great colors in Photoshop, etc. I have no time to mess around. We were assigned a shadow and a reflection shot this week. I lucked out a bit in that the sun came out this weekend and shot through our guest room onto the bedspread. My bonzai and a small statue were in the way, and it made for a reasonably pleasant shadow. Further, the snow is melting, making for some puddles. Not great, but there's no time for anything else. I don't regret taking the class; I just regret being 38 with responsbilities beyond messing around with cool stuff.


  1. Love both of these. I can't wait to see what you do next!

  2. One of my favorite website is the Jealous Curator--with the byline of each post 'I'm jealous of...'; gotta say I'm jealous of you & the wonderful shots you've been sharing. Can definitely relate to the 'not getting your homework done' but I'm really envious of your eye & end-product. Keep it up!
