Saturday, July 3, 2010

Grandma's 90th

I attempted to use my Canon Rebel T2i to capture some video of my grandmother's 90th birthday party last month. I then tried cobbling some of the pieces together using a simple software option that came with the camera. Was sort of like using a croquet mallet and phillips head screwdriver to shape a diamond. The ultra-choppy result is that I've visually mangled a very nice event. Too many more of these and Canon is going to demand their camera back, lest I drive away business. Thank you again, Judy, for organizing all of this. It was a really good time.


  1. Joe, I thought the video very nice and I enjoyed watching it!

  2. I, too, thought it was a great attempt at editing! We can get lessons from you... thanks for posting for all of us to enjoy. 8-)
