Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Messing around

iPhone sucks in that it is really great. I love messing around with it. About the same time we paid a pound of flesh for the Canon, I paid about $4 for an iPhone app called Hipstimatic that takes prematurely aged pictures, complete with 70s flares, etc. It's fun. This first, as an example, is exactly how a bar used to look to me at about 2 a.m.. (It's actually at Piece in Wicker Park last week.) The next two I snapped while waiting for Amy to get ready for her friend Dorian's wedding. The last is one of infinite times I have annoyed my wife.


  1. I think it's more of a look of surprise rather than one of annoyance. :)

  2. Gotta agree with Amy on that one.
    So tell me more about $4...I'm thinking it's a way to get you hooked on the data stream of a kabillion $ a month? Or you just have good Chicago connections! 8-)
    Loved the snaps!

  3. Oops, now I correctly read the post & realized the $4 was an app! sorry! 8-)
